
At the moment seems to be the key word. Once you have made a plan, as long as its realistic you can sure as hell achieve it. A plan should be about moving forward as well as giving yourself a realistic time frame.

Over the past couple of weeks I have been doing a lot of this because I have been out of action with a sprained ankle. To do this planning I have been using SWOT method, this is where you work out your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

From doing this you can lower the risk of weaknesses and threats, by turning them into strengths and opportunities. This is an example of mine;

  • determined
  • motivated
  • decent competitor 
  • Confidence
  •  self belief
  • sometimes un-motivated
  • University
  • 50 mile ultra
  • Cycling TT's
  • Ankle 
  • Time 
  • money
With this now said, you can build your plan to try and make your weaknesses into strengths and your threats into opportunities.

In my plan, I have used my ankle sprain as an opportunity to rest up and do things I wouldn't usually do, like watching films and reading. it also allows me to also do a bit more cycling and swimming!

It can work as a real good motivation and gives you an insight on how you can achieve self improval.

Go on, Try it!


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