The world of Facebook seems to be very controlling...

When I first started blogging in 2011 I was very anti-Facebook. I would sneer at the thought of it. I mean, who would want to talk about how great their lives are and post it all on a forum full of people who are also doing the same thing. 
However, in the later years of my social networking life I have found that Facebooking is the key to so many things. For example; I run a school Gym, how do I increase my audience? Facebook thrilly statuses of course!

The trouble I find is that over the past couple of years, everything I do in my private life; such as ultra running, cycling and walking all get "blogged" about on this public forum. I find myself not just "blogging" on Facebook about my sports, but other things! Relationship statuses, feelings, where I eat, what I eat and even the places I go all get a look in!

Over the last week I've been in Blackpool and been thinking about my social media life. Am I using Facebook as a means to market my life? To show off that I lead a pretty awesome life? Or am
I just using it has an instant blogging service?

So here's the deal.

Facebook gets all work related, marketing material.

Blogging gets my photos and the story's that make my life what it is.

So might as well start as I mean to go on...

Skiing Injury upset 

Blog followers will know that before Christmas I was at the hight of fitness. Training 6 times a week in a smart way, eating well and loving every minute of it. Unfortunately I went skiing (said no one!) and ended up knotting my muscle fibres in the front of my leg, probably from a lot of tensing up. This as meant that for the first 4 weeks of the new year I couldn't run more that two steps and for the last 3 weeks I have been running at a minimal level. I'm hoping with my sites on the FOD HM and the NW Trail Marathon I will be able to take my man up 
pills (Ibuprofen) and get back out into the running world. Starting this week with the return of the FOD work and maybe a cheeky hill session. Just thinking out loud!

Blackpool HT week

In January Dad mentioned that him and the N man were thinking about having a break at Half term. I piped up and said I would be interested in going. Just a week of no worries, book reading, coffee drinking and sight seeing. Next thing I knew, all booked and packed... Let's go!!

A fantastic week was had and Nathan got to meet some very interesting celebrities- albeit wax celebs!


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