Knowledge is key on how not to get wet...

We have all been in the situation where your walking, running or cycling to a destination and the heavens open and you get drenched. In this situation (naturally) you move faster, but is this the most effective way to keep dry? Maybe we need to re-look at our actions from a new perspective, one in which we move slower or even just stop and stand still in the rain?

Just in case anyone as had there head in the ground for the last year, or does not own a TV and as never read a paper... Its been the wettest year in... a while! But not the wettest year on record.

So, if it was not the wettest year on record, then it was just a bit wet! Whats the big issue? think we all just need to take a step back and man the f*ck up!

You could then argue that 5 of the wettest years on record have all happened since the year 2000 (according to Jeremy Vine on BBC radio)

The only thing I can say to that is... Cool Story Bro!

Its all just a good excuse to get out and try our new Henny Hansen waterproofs and to try the Brooks XC trainers to the limit...

Happy days!


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