Ross on Wye- River Run

Hi all!

Just a reminder that on Sunday 25th August its the River run in Ross on Wye.
I do need to stress that it is more a run than a race, so no need to bring club vests and it is completely free!

The idea behind it is that one day it could potentially be a race, we just want to get feedback and show off some of our great countryside in the mean time!

The start will be at Monmouth rowing club and it will finish at the Hope and Anchor in Ross on Wye. If anyone requires any help with car logistics, myself and 3 others will be taking our cars down to the rowing club in Monmouth. So you're more than welcome to meet us at the Hope and anchor at 9.15 for a lift down to Monmouth.

If you have any questions feel free to Direct massage me or Email me at
(Quote of the week; "Man imposes his own limitations, don't set any" -Anthony Bailey)



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